VeMiDoc is a telemedicine mobile health application and website for healthcare providers and their existing patients.  It provides a platform for fast, efficient, more convenient healthcare visits. Our mission is to change the way health-care is delivered by connecting patients to their doctors and doctors to their patients via a digital platform for an effective and convenient medical visit. 

VeMiDoc and any of its companies, or subsidiaries (collectively “VeMiDoc,” “our,” “we” or “us”) respect your privacy and are committed to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of the personal information we collect. 


This Privacy Statement applies to personal information and other information collected by VeMiDoc or its service providers from or about: (i) visitors to, or users of, its mobile application named the “VeMiDoc App” and websites located at and all VeMiDoc owned and/or operated mobile applications or websites, including all social media, that are linked to “the VeMiDoc App” and by VeMiDoc and its subsidiaries, including VeMiDoc mobile applications and websites around the world and secure areas of the websites (“VeMiDoc App and Websites” ); (ii)the VeMiDoc telemedicine platform and Services (the “Services”); (iii) users of any mobile-device applications that it offers (such as its iOS and Android applications); (iv) service providers and business partners; (v) job applicants; and (vi) other third-parties that  interacts with us.

Through our Services participating physicians and licensed health care providers can provide health care services online to their clients and patients.

By visiting our VeMiDoc App and Websites, or using our Services, you agree that your personal information will be handled as described in this Policy. Your use of the VeMiDoc App and Websites and use of our Services, and any dispute over privacy, is subject to this Policy and our Terms of Use. The VeMiDoc Terms of Use are incorporated by reference into this Policy. 

Please note, if you are: 

       applying for a job at VeMiDoc, this privacy notice, as well as any other privacy notice for job applicants applies to you; or 

       a VeMiDoc customer and you are using a VeMiDoc mobile-device app to monitor and manage the Services, this privacy notice, as well as any privacy notice for mobile applications also applies to you.

       By providing your personal information to VeMiDoc the ways described in this Privacy Statement, you: 

o   agree that you are authorized to provide that information; 

o   are accepting this Privacy Statement and any supplementary privacy statement that may be relevant to you. 

If you do not agree to our practices, please do not register, subscribe, create an account, or otherwise interact with our Services, VeMiDoc App and Websites. 


Users may browse the informational areas of the VeMiDoc App and Websites without registering with VeMiDoc. However, registration is required to use our Services. Once a physician or licensed health care provider has registered with us, and subscribed to our Services, the physician or licensed health care provider can then invite patients to use the Services. After receiving an invite, the patient would then need to register for a VeMiDoc account to use the Services.

When we refer to “Personal Information”, we mean any information that can identify you. It includes information or an opinion from which you are reasonably identifiable. In some jurisdictions, Personal Information includes information that identifies a legal entity, such as a company name. We describe the Personal Information that we collect in more detail below. 

We may also collect information that is related to you but that does not personally identify you (“Nonpersonal Information”). Non-personal Information also includes information that could personally identify you in its original form, but that we have modified (for instance, by aggregating, anonymizing or de-identifying such information) in order to remove or hide any Personal Information.


       Contact Information includes your name, company name, job title, telephone numbers, fax numbers, postal addresses, email addresses, or other addresses at which you receive communications from or on behalf of VeMiDoc (“Contact Information”). When you are expressing an interest in obtaining additional information about the Services or signing up to use the Services, VeMiDoc requires that you provide contact information (“Required Contact Information”). 

       Contact List includes your name, and telephone numbers. When you are expressing an interest in sending a message to a colleague, youa re optionally asked ifyou want to look through your contacts list. In referring a colleague, the mobile device contact list is opened, but ony a single contact/person is selected for a referral. VeMiDoc requires that you consent permissions to access contact list so that app can retireve user inforamtion. The information is not shared with any third parties. . 

       Transactional Information includes information about the Services you use, and how you interact with us and the Services (for example through email, customer portal, or phone).

       Billing Information includes financial qualification and billing information, such as billing name and address, and a credit card number, including card security number and credit card date of expiration. 

       Optional Information includes your company annual revenues, number of employees, number of members, health care organization details, or similar information that helps us tailor our Services to you. Please note, that Optional Information is information that you do not have to provide unless otherwise agreed between us.

       Optional User image includes images that you may optionally upload as your user image. If you choose to upload an image, the app would ask for your permission to access the camera and or the photo library to help you upload the image. For example, if you decide to upload an image for your user account, the image is stored on our server and is displayed whenever you log in. Any medical connections you have will subsequently display that image when it displays your user account.

       Information Collected by Automated Means includes information that VeMiDoc collects through commonly used information-gathering tools, such as cookies and web beacons. Such information includes standard information from your web browser (such as browser type and browser language), your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, and your activities on VeMiDoc App and Websites (such as the mobile app pages and web pages viewed and the links clicked, number of visits, access time, device ID or other unique identifier, domain name, screen views, language information, device name and model, and operating system type), the URL of the site, either through a mobile device or computer, from which you came and the site to which you are going when you leave VeMiDoc App and Websites, your computer operating system, and mobile device operating system (if you are accessing VeMiDoc App and Websites using a mobile device). 

Information Collected by Automated Means also includes information that we may collect about: your use of certain Service features; the functionality of the Services; when you click on ads; your participation in research initiatives like surveys about our Services. 

While VeMiDoc does not monitor or view the specific data stored by its customers who are using the Services, it is necessary for VeMiDoc to track various parameters of transferred data (file size, etc.) to support features including, but not limited to, bandwidth monitoring and storage usage. VeMiDoc treats such information as Non-personal Information and in accordance with its agreements it has in place with its customers. 

Sensitive Information: We will not intentionally collect or maintain, and do not want you to provide, any information regarding your , race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or other sensitive information. 


       Information you give us or our service providers. You may provide Personal Information when you: (i) access VeMiDoc App and Websites, (ii) request, purchase and use the Services, (iii) use VeMiDoc mobile-device applications, (iv) communicate with VeMiDoc via phone calls, chat, email, web forms, social media and other methods of communication, (v) subscribe to VeMiDoc marketing material, (vi) apply for a job, or (vi) provide services to VeMiDoc. 

       Information we collect about you and your device via automated means. Each time you visit a VeMiDoc Website, use any of our mobile-device applications, view a VeMiDoc advertisement on a third party-owned website or read a VeMiDoc marketing email, we may automatically collect information about you via cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies.

       Email communication. We may use pixel tags and cookies in our marketing emails so that we can track your interaction with those messages, such as when you open the email or click a URL link that is embedded within them. When recipients click on one of those URLs, they may pass through a separate web server before arriving at the destination page on a VeMiDoc App and Websites. We use tools like pixel tags and cookies so that we can determine interest in particular topics and measure and improve the effectiveness of our communications.

       Mobile. When you download or use our mobile-device applications, or access one of our mobile optimized VeMiDoc App and Websites, we may receive information about your mobile device, including a unique identifier for your device. 

       Information we receive from other sources. We work closely with third parties (for example, business partners, service providers, sub-contractors, advertising networks, analytics providers, search information providers, credit reference agencies, fraud protection services, channel partners and resellers) and may receive information about you from them. 

Social Media Platforms. We may receive certain information that is stored or processed by third parties, such as the social media sites Facebook® , Twitter® and LinkedIn® when you interact with us through these social media platforms. VeMiDoc App and Websites may include social media features - such as the Facebook “Like” button - and widgets - such as the “share this” button. These features may collect your IP address as well as details of the pages you are visiting on VeMiDoc App and Websites. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted by VeMiDoc App and Websites. Each social media platform may have a privacy statement that specifically governs its use of social media features.

       Public Forums, Blogs and the Customer Reference Program. VeMiDoc App and Websites may feature bulletin boards, blogs or forums. Any Personal Information that you choose to submit via such a forum may be read, collected, or used by others who visit these forums, and may be used to send you unsolicited messages. VeMiDoc may post a list of customers and testimonials on VeMiDoc App and Websites. These lists and testimonials usually contain Personal Information such as customer names and job titles. VeMiDoc obtains the consent of each customer prior to posting any information on such a list or posting testimonials. 

       Co-branding. Some VeMiDoc App and Websites or Services may be co-branded and offered in conjunction with another company. If you use such mobile app and website or Services, both VeMiDoc and the other company may receive the Personal Information that is collected via that cobranded mobile app and website or Service. The company whose privacy statement is displayed on a co-branded mobile app and website will be responsible for Personal Information collected on such a mobile app or website. 

       Third-party vendors. In order to provide the Services and improve VeMiDoc App and Websites, VeMiDoc may engage the services of third-party vendors. In the process of supplying services to VeMiDoc, these third-party vendors may need to collect Personal Information about you.


Unless otherwise stated herein, we use your information for providing you the Services that you have requested from us, as referred below: 

       To contact you. We use your Contact Information to get in touch with you. Here are some examples of reasons why we might contact you to: communicate with you about your use of our Services, to respond to your inquiries, to provide technical support and assistance for other customer service purposes; communicate with you regarding the availability of Services on behalf of your physician or licensed health care provider; to send you reminders and other information related to your care on behalf of your physician or licensed health care provider; to tailor the content and information that we may send or display, to offer location customization, and personalized help and instructions, and to otherwise personalize your experiences using the VeMiDoc App and Websites or our Services; to send offers and other promotional communications to physicians and licensed health care providers; to display advertising on our VeMiDoc App and Websites;; conduct surveys; send you announcements about the Services; notify you about our upcoming events; administer surveys, sweepstakes, contests, or other promotional activities or events sponsored by us or our business partners; 

       For marketing purposes. We use your Contact Information to recommend products and services that might be of interest to you, to send you marketing and advertising messages such as newsletters, announcements, or special offers or to notify you about our upcoming events. To provide you with marketing communications is not essential for the maintenance or existence of the legal relationship we may have with you at a certain point; thus, you may opt-out from receiving such communications as described in section 3 below. Your decision to opt-out from our marketing communications will not affect your ability to continue receiving the Services from us. 

       To provide the Services to you. We need the Required Contact Information, Transactional Information, and Billing Information to: process orders (including payments) for our Services; provide the Services to you; provide access to secure areas of our VeMiDoc App and Websites; create and maintain your account, and control access to it. 

       To measure interest in VeMiDoc App and Websites and advertisements. We need Information Collected via Automated Means to: measure interest in our VeMiDoc App and Websites and advertisements; develop our mobile and web pages and marketing plans; customize and improve the content you view when you visit VeMiDoc App and Websites; suggest products and services that you may be interested in purchasing; personalize the online ads we present to you based on your prior mobile app visits or web visits or ads viewed; and enable us to review develop and continually improve the Services and offers we provide. Collecting this information is not essential for the maintenance or existence of the legal relationship we may have with you at a certain point. You may opt-out of interest-based advertising or other forms of “tracking”.

       To enable third parties to provide services to us. We may need to provide your Required Contact Information to third parties so that they may carry out technical, logistical or other functions on our behalf. Please see more section 2 below. We also engage third-parties to provide us with reports about the usage and browsing patterns of VeMiDoc App and Websites. Such third parties track and analyze such information with respect to visitors to VeMiDoc App and Websites.

       We may also use your Personal Information in other ways as more particularly described in our terms of service or other agreements between us / you or your company. Any Personal Information you provide when you sign up for the Services may be used by us as we describe in the applicable terms of use or agreements between us and as described in this Privacy Statement. To assist us with the uses described in this paragraph, the information that we or our service providers have collected from or about you (for example, through VeMiDoc App and Websites or VeMiDoc e-mail communications with you) may be combined with or enhanced by other information about you that we have obtained from you or from other sources, including from our service providers or business partners. 

       To protect our business. We use information we collect to prevent or detect fraud or abuses of the VeMiDoc App and Websites and the Services, and to identify and protect our business from fraudulent transactions. 

       To manage our everyday business needs, such as to: administer and manage our business; train our employees; help promote compliance with our terms of use or any other agreements between us; allow you to apply for a job; carry out research and development; carry out other purposes that are disclosed to you and to which you consent; or to comply with the law. 

Other. If you purchase our Services via one of our online tools, we will use the information that you provide during the online signup process to establish your account. Information you submit through online chat, email, and web form is archived and may be tied to information that we collect about your mobile app and web visits. Your telephone call or a web conference may be recorded for training purposes and we may enter information you provide via telephone, or other means of communication, into our systems and use it for the purposes described in this section. In an effort to avoid sending unnecessary messages to our customers and to comply with applicable email marketing laws and regulations, we compare our list of prospects and customers to those email lists that we receive from other companies. 


Except for the limited circumstances described in this Privacy Statement or your applicable agreement / terms of use, the Personal Information we gather is for internal use only and we will not authorize the release of this information to anyone outside of VeMiDoc unless you have consented to such disclosure. When we need to provide your Personal Information to third parties, we will only share it to the extent reasonably necessary. We may also share your Personal Information as required or permitted by law and as described below. We promise that your Personal Information will only be transferred to VeMiDoc.  

       Disclosure to VeMiDoc, its companies and subsidiaries: VeMiDoc is a Texas limited liability company headquartered in Austin, TX. All of the information we collect about you may be transferred or accessed by our entities. We will protect the privacy and security of the Personal Information that we collect in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Statement and the applicable law. 

       Physicians and Licensed Health Care Providers: as a patient, your information will be shared with physicians and licensed health care providers as directed and consented by you. Our Services make your assessments and related information available to your physician and licensed health care provider. We will not make information available to health care providers other than those whom you have requested that we share your assessments. This Policy DOES NOT address how physicians and licensed health care providers will use and disclose information obtained from using VeMiDoc. If you would like this information, you should ask your physician or licensed health care provider directly for a copy of his/her Notice of Privacy Practices.

       Disclosure to our Service Providers and third-party business partners: We may disclose, to the extent necessary for the provision of services, Personal Information to third party service providers and channel partners. Please be aware that our third party service providers and channel partners may be located in a different country to you, so your Personal Information may be transferred outside of your country. We require that our third party service providers and channel partners agree to keep confidential all information we share with them and to use the information only to perform their obligations in the agreements we have in place with them. These third party service providers and channel partners are expected to maintain privacy and security protections that are consistent with VeMiDoc’s privacy and information security policies. While we provide these third parties with no more information than is necessary to perform the function for which we engaged

them, any information that you provide to these third parties independently is subject to their respective privacy policies and practices. 

Disclosure to Others: Should you breach any of our terms and conditions (for example, our terms of use) or if we are under a duty to disclose or share your Personal Information in order to comply with any legal or compliance obligation, we may disclose your information to a relevant authority. We may need to release the information we collect to third parties when we believe it is appropriate to comply with the law, to enforce our legal rights, to protect the rights, safety or property of our business and others, or to assist with industry efforts to control fraud, spam or other undesirable conduct and as needed to support auditing, compliance, and corporate governance functions. Additionally, we will provide information to a third party in the event of any reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of our business, assets or stock (including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings).

       Disclosure when we have your consent: We may also disclose your Personal Information and other information, for any other purpose disclosed by us when you provide the information, as otherwise required or permitted by law, and/or with your consent. Any such purposes may involve the transfer of your Personal Information across country borders. We may disclose information that does not identify any individual or health organization or other type of company (e.g., anonymous, aggregated data) without restriction. For example, we may provide our advertisers or other third parties with reports that contain aggregated and statistical data about our users. 


The privacy and security of patients’ individually identifiable health information provided to VeMiDoc in connection with Services may be protected by federal law (such as HIPPA) and state privacy laws, because VeMiDoc provides Services to physicians and licensed health care providers. VeMiDoc is dedicated to maintaining the privacy of your protected health information (PHI). PHI is information about you that may be used to identify you (such as your name, social security number or address), and that relates to (a) your past, present or future physical or mental health or condition, (b) the provision of health care to you, or (c) your past, present, or future payment for the provision of health care. PHI may be used and disclosed by VeMiDoc as necessary to provide Services, for our own management and operations, to meet our legal obligations, and for any other purpose for which patients have given consent. We may de-identify PHI and aggregate it for purposes of monitoring and improving our products and services, for benchmarking purposes, and to provide customized services or technologies to our customers; See below for more details. VeMiDoc is required by law to maintain the privacy of your PHI and to provide you with notice of its legal duties and privacy practices with respect to your PHI.

       Treatment, Payment and Health Care Operations: VeMiDoc is permitted to use and disclose your PHI for purposes of (a) treatment by your licensed health care provider, (b) payment and (c) health care operations. For example:

       Treatment: VeMiDoc may disclose your PHI to your physician or health care provider using the VeMiDoc App and Websites for purposes of a consult or in connection with the provision of follow-up treatment.

Payment: VeMiDoc may use and disclose your PHI to your health insurer or health plan in connection with the processing and payment of claims and other charges.

Health Care Operations: VeMiDoc may use and disclose your PHI in connection with its health care operations, such as providing customer services and conducting quality review assessments. VeMiDoc may engage third parties to provide various services for VeMiDoc. If any such third party must have access to your PHI in order to perform its services, VeMiDoc will require that third party to enter an agreement that binds the third party to the use and disclosure restrictions outlined in this Notice.

       Authorization: VeMiDoc is permitted to use and disclose your PHI upon your written authorization, to the extent such use or disclosure is consistent with your authorization. You may revoke any such authorization at any time.

       As Required by Law: VeMiDoc may use and disclose your PHI to the extent required by law.  

Special Circumstances: The following categories describe unique circumstances in which VeMiDoc may use or disclose your PHI:

       Public Health Activities: VeMiDoc may disclose your PHI to public health authorities or other governmental authorities for purposes including preventing and controlling disease, reporting child abuse or neglect, reporting domestic violence and reporting to the Food and Drug Administration regarding the quality, safety and effectiveness of a regulated product or activity. VeMiDoc may, in certain circumstances disclose PHI to persons who have been exposed to a communicable disease or may otherwise be at risk of contracting or spreading a disease or condition.

       Workers’ Compensation Workers’ Compensation: VeMiDoc may disclose your PHI as authorized by, and to the extent necessary to comply with, workers’ compensation programs and other similar programs relating to work-related illnesses or injuries.

       Health Oversight Activities: VeMiDoc may disclose your PHI to a health oversight agency for authorized activities such as audits, investigations, inspections, licensing and disciplinary actions relating to the health care system or government benefit programs.

       Judicial and Administrative Proceedings: VeMiDoc may disclose your PHI, in certain circumstances, as permitted by applicable law, in response to an order from a court or administrative agency, or in response to a subpoena or discovery request.

       Law Enforcement: VeMiDoc may, under certain circumstances, disclose your PHI to a law enforcement official, such as for purposes of identifying or locating a suspect, fugitive, material witness or missing person.

       Decedents: VeMiDoc may, under certain circumstances, disclose PHI to coroners, medical examiners and funeral directors for purposes such as identification, determining the cause of death and fulfilling duties relating to decedents.

       Organ Procurement: VeMiDoc may, under certain circumstances, use or disclose PHI for the purposes of organ donation and transplantation.

Research: VeMiDoc may, under certain circumstances, use or disclose PHI that is necessary for research purposes.

Threat to Health or Safety: VeMiDoc may, under certain circumstances, use or disclose PHI if necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to the health or safety of a person or the public.

       Specialized Government Functions: VeMiDoc, may in certain situations, use and disclose PHI of persons who are, or were, in the Armed Forces for purposes such as ensuring proper execution of a military mission or determining entitlement to benefits. VeMiDoc may also disclose PHI to federal officials for intelligence and national security purposes.


All of the Health Care Providers on the VeMiDoc Mobile App and Websites are independent Health Care professionals solely responsible for the services each provides to the Patient. VeMiDoc is solely a technology platform through which an independent, third-party Health Care Provider provides healthcare services to you.  VeMiDoc, LLC does NOT practice medicine or any other licensed profession and does not interfere with the practice of medicine or any licensed profession by health care providers, each of whom is responsible for his or her services and compliance with the requirements applicable to his or her profession and license. See Terms of Use for more detail.

As a telemedicine platform used by physicians and other licensed health care professionals, providing independent medical services using telemedicine technologies, the following information will clearly be disclosed:

       Specific services provided

       Contact information for physician and licensed health care provider

       Licensure and qualifications of physicians and associated physicians and licensed health care providers

       Fees for services and how payment is to be made

       Financial interests, other than fees charged, in any information, products, or services provided by a physician or healthcare provider

       Appropriate uses and limitations of the mobile app or website, including emergency health situations

       Uses and response times for e-mails, electronic messages and other communications transmitted via telemedicine technologies

       To whom patient health information may be disclosed and for what purpose

       Rights of patients with respect to patient health information

       Information collected and any passive tracking mechanisms utilized

As a telemedicine platform used by physicians and licensed health care professionals providing independent medical services using telemedicine technologies, the VeMiDoc App and Websites will also provide patients a clear mechanism to:

       Access, supplement and amend patient-provided personal health information

Provide feedback regarding the VeMiDoc App and Websites and the quality of information and services

       Register complaints, including information regarding filing a complaint with the applicable state medical and osteopathic board(s)

As a telemedicine platform we will have accurate and transparent information about the mobile app and website owner/operator (VeMiDoc) location, and contact information, including a domain name that accurately reflects the identity. 

Advertising or promotion of goods or products from which the physician or licensed health care provider receives direct remuneration, benefits, or incentives (other than the fees for the medical care services) is prohibited. Notwithstanding, online services may provide links to general health information sites to enhance patient education; however, the physician or licensed health care provider should not benefit financially from providing such links or from the services or products marketed by such links. When providing links to other sites, physicians and licensed health care providers should be aware of the implied endorsement of the information, services or products offered from such sites. The maintenance of preferred relationships with any pharmacy is prohibited. Physicians and licensed health care providers shall not transmit prescriptions to a specific pharmacy, or recommend a pharmacy, in exchange for any type of consideration or benefit form that pharmacy.


       Communication Preferences and Opt-outs. If you wish to stop receiving email marketing communications from us, please click on the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the relevant email marketing communication or by following the instructions detailed in the communication. Please note that this may not unsubscribe you from all other communications. Please note that you cannot unsubscribe from service-related messages. In accordance with industry standards and applicable laws, we reserve the right to retain your Personal Information for a reasonable amount of time so we can ensure that we do not contact you in the future. 

       Confidential Communication. You have the right to receive confidential communications of your PHI. You may request that VeMiDoc communicate with you through alternate means or at an alternate location, and VeMiDoc will accommodate your reasonable requests. You must submit your request in writing to VeMiDoc.

       Advertising and Tracking Technologies. Be aware that opting out of interest-based advertising will not prevent advertisements from being displayed to you but they will no longer be tailored to your interests.

       Restrictions. You have the right to request restrictions on certain uses and disclosures of PHI for treatment, payment or healthcare operations. You also have the right to request that VeMiDoc restrict its disclosures of PHI to only certain individuals involved in your care or the payment of your care. You must submit your request in writing to VeMiDoc. VeMiDoc is not required to comply with your request. However, if VeMiDoc agrees to comply with your request, it will be bound by such agreement, except when otherwise required by law or in the event of an emergency.

       Access and Correction

o   If you would like to know what Personal Information we hold about you, you may submit a request to us. We will supply Personal Information about you and that we hold in our own files within the reasonable timeframes stipulated by law. Please note that some requests may be subject to a reasonable fee.  o If you would like to correct or update the information we hold about you, or revoke consent previously granted, please contact us.

o   You have the right to obtain a paper copy of this Notice from VeMiDoc at any time upon request. To obtain a paper copy of this Notice, please contact VeMiDoc.

       Accounting of Disclosures. You have a right to receive an accounting of all disclosures VeMiDoc has made of your PHI. However, that right does not include disclosures made for treatment, payment or healthcare operations, disclosures made to you about your treatment, disclosures made pursuant to an authorization, and certain other disclosures. You must submit your request in writing to VeMiDoc and you must specify the time period involved (which must be for a period of time less than six years from the date of the disclosure). Please note that some requests may be subject to a reasonable fee.

o   You have the right to be notified in the event that VeMiDoc (or a VeMiDoc Business Associate) discovers a breach of unsecured PHI.

       Deleting your information. If you would like us to delete your Personal Information from our records then please contact us and we will respond within a reasonable time. Please note that we may be required to retain certain information by law and/or for own legitimate business purposes. To protect your privacy, we will require you to prove your identity before granting access to, or agreeing to update, correct or delete your Personal Information and we will only implement requests with respect to Personal Information about you (not anyone else). 

       Choosing not to provide us with certain information. You can choose not to provide certain information when using VeMiDoc App and Websites and Services, but this may prevent you from being able to take full advantage of the functions available on the VeMiDoc App and Websites and it may prevent us from being able to provide you with Services. 


       The measures we take. We are committed to industry best practice when it comes to preventing loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access, or unlawful or unnecessary processing of the information we collect as described in section 1 of this Privacy Statement (“VeMiDoc Collected Information”). For example, we: 

o   Make use of encryption technology as appropriate; 

o   Use appropriate network access control technology to limit access to the systems on which VeMiDoc Collected Information is stored; and 

o   Monitor for possible vulnerabilities and attacks. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that the technical, physical and organizational measures we take will prevent every security threat nor can we guarantee that your VeMiDoc Collected Information will not be improperly accessed, used, altered or destroyed. We will notify you if we discover there has been a material breach of security, which resulted in an unauthorized disclosure of your Personal Information. 

       The steps you should take. To help maintain the security of information you provide to VeMiDoc or you store on VeMiDoc’s hosted systems, please follow these rules: 

o   Keep your passwords private. 

o   If you’re already a customer, remember that you are responsible for making sure no unauthorized person has access to your passwords and account details. You should promptly notify us if you need to deactivate your login or change your password. You should also implement appropriate security measures for the data you store on the hosted system. 

o   Remember, when you use online tools such as our forums, community sites or social networking sites, the content you upload to them will be public. If you do not want the content you upload to be seen by the rest of the world, please do not post it. 


Personal Information we collect is relevant for the purposes for which it is to be used. VeMiDoc takes reasonable steps to help ensure that data is reliable for its intended use, accurate, complete, and current. We will retain your information for as long as needed to provide you the Services or as long as needed to fulfil the purpose for which Personal Information was originally collected. As noted in section 3 above, you have the rights to access, correct and request the deletion of your own Personal Information in accordance with applicable law. You are also entitled to oppose certain data processing practices or to revoke consent previously granted, to the extent permitted by the law. In order to exercise such rights please contact us. When we receive such request, we may inform you of: (i) the information that you or your legal representative will be asked to provide (if any) and documents that you may need to enclose with your request; (ii) timeframes to receive a response from us regarding any request; (iii) forms and templates available for submitting the request (if any) and; (iv) how we will deliver the information to you (which usually would be copies of documents or data messages). Please note that some requests may be subject to a reasonable fee. If you wish to cancel your account or request that we no longer provide you the Services, please contact us. In response, we will cancel or remove your information but may retain and use copies of your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements. If you do not have an account with VeMiDoc, you can send a request in section under Contact Us. 


Our websites and the Services are not designed for or directed at individuals under the age of eighteen (18) or minors otherwise defined in local law or regulation. We will not intentionally collect or maintain information about these individuals. If you believe that we may have collected Personal Information from someone under the age of 18 or from a minor as may be otherwise defined in your country, please let us know by contacting us. We will then take appropriate measures to investigate and, if appropriate, delete that information. 


VeMiDoc utilizes the self-assessment approach to assure its compliance with its Privacy Statement. VeMiDoc regularly verifies that the Privacy Statement is accurate, comprehensive, prominently displayed, completely implemented and in conformity with other applicable laws and regulations and conducts its self-assessment on an annual basis to ensure that all relevant privacy practices are being followed. Appropriate employee training is in place and internal procedures for periodically conducting objective reviews of compliance are in place. 


This Privacy Statement only addresses the use and disclosure of Personal Information that is collected via VeMiDoc App and Websites and the Services. In the course of our interactions with you, we may provide you with links to third-party websites for your convenience and information. The privacy practices of those sites may differ from our own practices and are not controlled by us nor covered by this Privacy Statement. We do not make any representations about third-party websites. We encourage you to review their privacy policies before submitting your personal data. 


       If you would like more information about your privacy rights, please contact us. 


       You may complain to VeMiDoc and to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services if you believe that your privacy rights have been violated. If you have a question or complaint about this Privacy Statement or our information collection practices, please contact us. 


Our business changes constantly, and specifically Texas and Federal Telehealth/Telemedicine laws change frequently, and so our Privacy Statement may also change from time to time. The “Last

Updated” section at the top of this page states when this Privacy Statement was last revised. You should check the VeMiDoc App and Websites frequently to see recent changes. Any changes to this Privacy

Statement will become effective when we post the revised Privacy Statement on the VeMiDoc App and Websites. Your continued use of the VeMiDoc App and Websites and the Services following these changes means that you accept the revised Privacy Statement. If any change materially affects the privacy of your Personal Information, we will post the Privacy Statement before its effective date and give you a reasonable period of time to object to any changes (which you may do by ceasing to use our Services, VeMiDoc App and Websites). We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Statement to stay informed about how we collect, use and share Personal Information. VeMiDoc Privacy Statement. 



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